Along came his wife and the old man said “fee, fie, fo, fout this turnip will not come out.” The old woman said “let me help” and they pulled and they pulled and they pulled and they pulled. But that turnip would not come out.
Along came their granddaughter and the old woman said “fee, fie, fo, fout this turnip will not come out”. So the old woman held onto the old man and the granddaughter held onto the old woman and they pulled and they pulled and they pulled. But that turnip would not come out.
Along came a dog and the little girl said “fee, fie, fo, fout this turnip will not come out ”
So the old woman held onto the old man and the granddaughter held onto the old woman and the dog held onto the granddaughter and they pulled and they pulled and they pulled. But that turnip would not come out.
Along came a cat and the dog said “fee, fie, fo, fout this turnip will not come out ”
So the old woman held onto the old man and the granddaughter held onto the old woman and the dog held onto the granddaughter and the cat held onto the dog and they pulled and they pulled and they pulled. But that turnip would not come out.
Along came a cat and the dogsaid “fee, fie, fo, fout this turnip will not come out ”
And the mouse said “let me help”, “hahaha” laughed the cat, “what help can a little mouse be?” “You never know” said the mouse. So the old woman held onto the old man and the granddaughter held onto the old woman and the dog held onto the granddaughter and the cat held onto the dog and they pulled and they pulled and they pulled.