
Thursday, December 22, 2011


What's Special About Me,Mama? by Kristina Evans- A really sweet story with a boy asking his mother what is is about him that makes him special and different from everyone else. Younger kids may have a hard time sitting through. A change from the normally funny and fast paced books I tend to favor for storytime

I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont-Beaumont has a real gift for rhyme and this book is no exception. Kids will like the silly humor and make sure to read it with an emphasis on the rhyme.

Incredible Me! by Kathi Appelt- Nobody is like you. You are the only one with your nose and those two feet. As goes the message of this fun little uplifting book about the uniqueness of you. Talk with your kids about what makes them different than everyone else in the room.

I'm Me! by Sara Sheridan- A little girl listens to suggestions from her auntie about what they can pretend to become for the day but finally settles on being herself. A bit on the longer side so do this book as your first for the program.

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