and she jumped in
"Oh lovely mud," said the pig
and he rolled in it
"Oh lovely mud," said the duck
and she paddled in it
Along came Mrs. Wishy-Washy
"Just look at you!" she screamed
"In the tub you go."
In went the cow, wishy-washy, wishy -washy
In went the pig, wishy-washy, wishy-washy
In went the duck, wishy-washy, wishy-washy
"Thats better," said Mrs. Wishy Washy
and she went into the house
Away went the cow
Away went the pig
Away went the duck
"Oh, lovely mud," they said
* A very fun feltboard to do. Get the audience to sit and twist like a washing machine when the cow, pig and duck are being wishy-washy in the tub. A great companion to a messy storytime.