
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

FELTBOARD: Mrs. Wishy-Washy

"Oh lovely mud," said the cow
and she jumped in
"Oh lovely mud," said the pig
and he rolled in it
"Oh lovely mud," said the duck
and she paddled in it
Along came Mrs. Wishy-Washy
"Just look at you!" she screamed
"In the tub you go."
In went the cow, wishy-washy, wishy -washy
In went the pig, wishy-washy, wishy-washy
In went the duck, wishy-washy, wishy-washy
"Thats better," said Mrs. Wishy Washy
and she went into the house
Away went the cow
Away went the pig
Away went the duck
"Oh, lovely mud," they said

* A very fun feltboard to do. Get the audience to sit and twist like a washing machine when the cow, pig and duck are being wishy-washy in the tub. A great companion to a messy storytime.