
Monday, September 13, 2010


What Pet to Get by Emma Dodd - A little boy talks with his mom about all the exotic pets he can get. Mom has some valid points as to why most all of them wouldn't work out. Very funny and cute, a little long though.
Me Want Pet! by Tammi Sauer-What a riot! This team effort between Sauer and Bob Shea's illustrations is a storytime hit. Caveboy want pet. Parent say no pet. Book write in caveman speak. Fun read.
Prudence Wants a Pet by Cathleen Daly- On the longer side. I may save this one until the end of this storytime session once the kids can sit through more complex stories.
My Rhinoceros by Jon Agee- Such wonderful illustrations, and a really funny book. Sometimes working with really young kids makes me sad because they are too young to understand the humor in the books I read. The parents usually get it which is fun, but I do love reading to school age kids for that reason.
Pet Shop Lullaby by Mary Ann Fraser- A story that I am not crazy about the text but love the illustrations. Luckily it lends itself well to having the kids tell the story through the pictures.
Dino Petsby Lynn Plourde- A fun book about what kind of dinosaur to choose as a pet. Great big illustrations.
Gilbert Goldfish Wants a Pet by Kely DiPucchio- This book is one of those books where I would skip over a bit of the text. It is a funny book so I did not want to write it off for storytime.