
Thursday, May 24, 2007


Maisy Goes to the Library by Lucy Cousins, 2005.

Five Little Monkeys Reading in Bed by Eileen Christelow- Does not follow the popular "no more monkeys jumping on the bed" rhyming scheme which is actually a relief.

Do Lions Live on Lily Pads? By Melanie Walsh, 2006.

Carlo Likes Reading by Jessica Spanyol. Simple text but illustrations with great detail. Each item in a room is labeled. Hence Carlos reading everything. I like this book for storytime because it is a teaching moment to share with parents pre-literacy skills. Have parents narrate what they are doing around their child to help build vocabulary.

I Took My Frog to the Library by Eric A. Kimmel - A clever fun book about a little girl who tries to bring all different kinds of animals to the library and what happens each time. Kids will enjoy seeing familiar library scenes including story time. One page introduced card catalogs and this is a great time to show kids how we used to kind books as opposed to how we locate them now.

Read It, Don't Eat It! by Ian Schoenherr- One of my favorite library themed picture books. Teaches kids the wrong and right way to treat library books. Such as: "Don't Overdue it, just renew it!"

The Best Place to Read by Debbie Bertram - A little boy can't seem to find just the right place to read his book in the house.

I Will Not Read This Book by Cece Meng- I will read this book at storytime, even if you hang me by one toe I will still read this book. Or so goes the story only the opposite. A little boy will not read this book no matter what you do to him.

Wild About Books by Judy Sierra - A zoo full of animals go crazy for all types of books.

We're Going on a Book Hunt by Pat Miller - A family of bears go to the library to find their just right book.

Book! By Kristine O’Connell George Ill. By Maggie Smith, 2001. A sweet short story.

There was an old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly by Simms Taback, 1997.

Reading Makes You Feel Good by Todd Parr - A little boy tells all about the cool things reading can teach you and emphasizes that you can do it anywhere! Illustrated with big bold colors and thick black lines this style is very relatable to kids as it mimics their own style of drawing.

Dinosaur vs. the Library by Bob Shea- You have to do a whole lot of roaring in this book. I have tried the other Dinosaur vs. books and not had much success. I cannot resist this one though and will just have to try a different reading style. In the end when he reaches the library they read another Bob Shea book at story time: New Socks. Try reading that book during the same storytime!

I Love Going Through This Book by Robert Burleigh - Even though this book has great illustrations by the talented Dan Yaccarino I am still wishing this book was more of a coherent story. Not a bad read aloud but it may take some creativity on the reader's part to make it work.

Maybe A Bear Ate It! by Robie H Harris - A little cat/monster/some sort of funky creature cannot find his book and he needs your help to locate it. Very interactive as the critter imagines all the improbable places his book could be hiding.

Homer the Library Cat by Reeve Lindbergh- Not to be confused with Dewey the Library Cat ;) A kitty jumps out of his house window and tries to find somewhere to stay finally setting on the library.

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