Books:Silly Tilly by Eileen Spinelli
Duck on a Bike by David Shannon- A duck borrows a bike and takes it for a ride all around the farm as the other farm animals look on with different opinions on the matter. Pretty funny.
Tickle the Duck! by Ethan Long - A super fun participation book. Have the kids motion tickling the duck and read his reactions throughout the book. Guaranteed to have your kids laughing out loud.
Darkness Slipped In by Ella Burfoot
Chicken Little by Rebecca, & Ed Emberley
Little Oink by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Sally and the Purple Socks by Lisze Bechtold - Sally orders purple socks that grow to fit her feet, but something goes terribly wrong when her socks wont stop growing. A short story that has a simple humorous plot.
Never Take a Shark to the Dentist (and other things not to do) by Judi Barrett- Funny for both parents and kids as we learn why to never play checkers with a spider and other cautionary tales. The audience will pour over the great illustrations and you can create a dialog why each page his funny (what are they doing differently than normal).
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems - A pigeon really wants to drive the bus, whatever you do, don't let him!
Ready for Anything by Keiko Kasza
New Socks by Bob Shea - A very cute book with big bold illustrations similar to Jan Thomas's "Can You Make a Scary Face" where the main character of the story addresses the audience. Little chick has a pair of fun new socks he really wants to show off to you. Some simple activities can accompany this story including having kids take off their shoes and show off their socks. Or if your brave put wax paper down on the ground and have the kids slide on it.
Stop Kissing Me! by Ethan Long - A duck gives sloppy kissed to Poodle, needless to say Poodle is not to happy about this until................
Silly Sally by Audrey Wood - Silly Sally went to town walking backwards, upside down! So goes the refrain in the book which kids will delight in saying with you. A fun rhyming fairy tale of a book for all ages. Follow up with being totally silly and try things like walking backwards in a circle and touching your nose, etc.!
How Do You Hug a Porcupine? by Laurie Isop- A great great great book! Lots of humor and a clever rhyming scheme make this a must read for all ages storytimes.
There was a Bold Lady Who Wanted a Star by Carise Mericle Harper- A play on "There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly."
Story Time:
Performed on 9/27/2011