What can 2 year olds do?
- Turning pages of a book
- Walking up and down the stairs
- Feeding themselves
- Pushing, pulling, filling, and dumping
- Stacking objects
- Tossing or rolling a ball
- Playing make-believe
- dressing up in costumes or hats
- Speaking in two-or-three word sentences
- Pointing to parts of the body or common objects
- Learning how to use common household items
- Developing a three-minute attention span
- Appreciating stories with a developed plot and characters
- Drawing simple shapes
- Putting together a puzzle (5 pieces)
- Following uncomplicated directions
- Playing spontaneously with other children
- Identifying objects, colours, and sounds
- Counting, often up to five
- Pretending
- Speaking in full sentences
- Singing simple songs
- Repeating simple rhymes
- Developing an individual sense of humor
- Walking on tiptoes
- Throwing a ball